Training In-House Trainers

Challenging behaviours are an area of increasing concern for carers. These behaviours can lead to the breakdown of family and community placements. The physical management of challenging behaviours can also lead to care staff injuries. There can be no doubt that these behaviours do represent a significant challenge to services. Despite this there has been little emphasis on training carers in the management of these behaviours.
A great deal of research has focused on intervention methods which aim to change challenging behaviours in a non-aversive manner. These positive approaches have a central theme of building a positive relationship between the carer and the individual(s) they are supporting by increasing activities and/or skills. The goal of behaviour change may take considerable time to achieve. To manage these behaviours in the short term, reactive strategies are often recommended. Studio 3 Training Systems operates at the cutting edge of this area and has been the leader in the field for 20 years.
Studio 3 Training Systems is a highly specialised research based training organisation, which provides high quality and specialised behaviour management training. Studio 3 is a highly respected training provider in the UK and since 2011 also actively busy with training in South Africa.
The Trainer Scheme
High Quality Operatives
Our organisation has had many reservations about cascading the training rapidly throughout services. Many of our competitors train people to be trainers in less than 10 working days, some in only three. We have decided that our philosophy is to train high quality trainers who are capable of delivering both behaviour management training and providing the 'state of the art' knowledge about the development of specialised behaviour management plans. Ten years ago, we piloted a trainer scheme and over half of those who entered did not successfully complete the programme. It is our belief that Studio 3 trainers have to behaviourally demonstrate both the ability to deliver training and relate theoretical knowledge to everyday work settings. Studio 3 now limits the intake to approximately 30 trainees per year. We seek the opportunity to meet with potential trainees prior to their acceptance onto the scheme.
There are basically two aspects to the scheme. The first is assisting a Studio 3 trainer in delivering the core three-day course in the management of challenging behaviour. In the early stages, participants will be expected to prepare for and deliver only one or two selected elements of the course. Over a period of time, trainees will be expected to achieve competency in delivering all aspects of the course to the point where they can be formally assessed. This is likely to take an average of eight to twelve courses with other study taking place in between courses.
The second component of the scheme requires trainees to attend Trainers Events to maintain their continuing professional development. Details of these events will be emailed to trainers personally.
What Kind of People Make Good Trainers?
Based on our experience, professional qualifications are not in themselves prerequisites for successful outcomes. Successful candidates have included: clinical psychologists, qualified and unqualified nursing staff, service managers and care assistants. The following section represents a person specification that will aim to provide services with a brief sketch of successful candidates.
Essential Skills
- Commitment to a non-aversive approach to behaviour management.
- The ability to role play people who present with challenges.
- A minimum of five years of practical experience of working with people who present with challenges.
- Computer literacy.
- The ability to respond to constructive criticism.
- The ability to present to a room full of people.
- A commitment to completing the training (this can be up to 18 months in duration).
- Empathy and a sense of humour.
- Good health record.
- Honesty.
Desirable Skills
- Background in training.
- Experience of working with high risk individuals.
- Experience of bad behaviour management practices.
- Car driver.
Organisational Requirements
- A senior manger must be responsible for the development of the person within their service. The training department should also regularly review the person's progress through the web application.
- A commitment to a minimum of 27 days per person over an 18 month period.
- The person should have an area of responsibility where they can demonstrate their Studio 3 skills.
- The person must have access to an individual email account and access to a computer.
What is a Studio III Trainer?
The three-day course creates strong emotional reactions amongst course participants. The trainer's role is to assist and facilitate this change in attitude and impart knowledge and skills. Training is not just teaching, it's about learning too. An often heard expression is: "it's one thing talking about it". Well, it's not just about reading a manual and becoming a trainer. Trainers have to literally perform, in front of people, and demonstrate that they are highly proficient in and passionate about their subject area. It is also important to Studio 3 that trainers develop their individual training style. There are many ways to deliver the course as past course participants who have met different tutors will have already seen. This is because it's not just about what a trainer says, it's about the way the trainers says and presents it. Studio 3 is not the only organisation that provides training in the management of challenging behaviour, but we are the leaders in our field. It is not an easy course to teach. There are theoretical, practical, emotional and physical elements to the training. However, once mastered, teaching the course is a fulfilling and rewarding experience. Accordingly, we accept people onto the scheme who genuinely believe in our philosophy of care and feel passionately about working within a non-aversive framework and promoting the low-arousal approaches. Once trainees embark on the programme, our tutors will work with them and support them to meet all the criteria to become competent Studio 3 trainers.
What Types of Training are Trainers Expected to Deliver?
Successful trainers will be expected to deliver a wide range of behaviour management training. It is expected that trainers can best develop these skills by learning to deliver our core three day training course in the management of challenging behaviours.
Course Aims
The defined objectives of the course are:
- To increase staff confidence in the management of challenging behaviour
- To instil in staff the principles and benefits of working within a non-aversive framework
- To demonstrate to staff the importance of understanding how their own behaviours can affect others
- To provide staff with the skills to defuse challenging situations with the aim of negating the need for physical intervention
- To provide staff with an understanding of some of the causes of challenging behaviour to help view service users in a more positive way
- To make staff aware of the importance of working within the law and the need for and use of policies
- To emphasise the importance of de-briefing after incidents
- To provide staff with a range of physical intervention skills which are safe and acceptable to both staff and service users alike.
Course Content
The three days of the training course have three separate themes:
Day 1: Philosophy of Studio III Training Systems and the management of challenging behaviours. This is an important day. It sets the tone for the course and outlines the agenda and objectives of the three days. During the day, challenging behaviour and the context within which these behaviours are displayed and managed will be explored.
Day 2: Passive Avoidance Training, non-violent methods of managing physical behaviours. Also described as philosophy in practice or the Low Arousal Approach in action. Simple physical movements designed to reduce injuries to staff and individuals within their care that are used to manage some of the most common physical behaviours within the client group specified.
Day 3: A non-violent physical restraint method is taught to care staff and its reason for use and its design is discussed at length. During this final day, the three-day course is consolidated and participants are assessed through the use of role plays. On each of the days various training aids and teaching tools and methods are used.
This is the detail and delivery of the course.
Studio 3 training candidates will normally have to complete a minimum of 3 supervised training events directly observed by an assessor. This is only a guide as some individuals may require considerably longer. There are three levels to assessment to this training:
Direct Observation by Studio 3 Trainer
Participants will receive feedback from Studio 3 trainers after completing each training course. This takes the form of continual assessment and trainees will be advised at the end of each course as to which elements they must work on to meet the final assessment criteria. A copy of the 'Trainer's Progress Form' is included at the back of the trainers manual.
Course Training - Final Assessment
Studio 3 trainers cannot pass this training by merely attending challenging behaviour workshops. The outcome is criterion based. Training courses are intended to generally be run by two trainers, however during assessment trainers have to be able to individually deliver a full three-day training course in the management of challenging behaviours. This assessment is conducted by a senior trainer of Studio 3 UK. Even trainers with prior experience or knowledge from teaching another system should reasonably expect to take a minimum of eight courses to reach this stage. In addition, general course feedback from participants is analysed.
Monitoring of Trainers
The trainer's senior manager or training supervisor and senior Studio3 Trainers will keep in contact and ask for regular feedback on trainings. Trainers in the Train the Trainers Scheme will meet once a term to keep up to date .
Cost of the Scheme
There is a flat fee for each trainee to cover the cost of the following:
- Mandatory workshops prior to qualification. The cost of any accommodation or travel required at these events is not included. Light refreshments throughout the day are provided. Evening meals are not normally included.
- Training materials and administrative support.
- Access to a senior Studio3 trainer for ongoing support.
- Lead trainer from UK to do final assessment.
Three-day courses delivered within the service will be charged at the current rate.
Licensing of Successful Trainers
Upon completion of training, trainers are licensed to teach the training course including annual refreshers. There will be an annual cost to maintain the license provided they fulfil the following criteria.
To maintain their status as qualified, trainers must:
- Teach courses to staff working within the service the trainer is employed by.
- Be re-assessed on an 18 month cycle & arrange for this to occur.
- See a senior Studio3 trainer deliver the 3 day course at least every 2 years.
- Actively use and support members on the Studio3 members' forum.
- Use the trainers' web app to maintain; contact details, an up to date on-going CPD log, register all upcoming courses, record course reports and participant lists.
- Not adapt any of the Studio3 training materials without prior approval of Studio3.
Studio 3 reserves the right to monitor standards of any of its trainers who are delivering training using its name.