Company Staff

Chantel Snyman | Studio 3 Training Systems South Africa
2005 Baccalaureus in Occupational Therapy, University of the Free State, South Africa
2010 Studio III Train the Trainers Scheme, Studio III Training Systems, United Kingdom
Chantel earned her B.A. in Occupational Therapy from the University of the Free State in South Africa and subsequently gained experience in a number of areas.
Recently her focus has been in Autism. She is currently employed at Quest School for Learners with Autism and works as a Private Practitioner and Trainer in her free time. Her vision is to provide goal directed and specific activity based therapy with a multi-sensory approach that will enable clients to live a useful life and exercise their independence to the best of their ability. Working in the field of Autism requires hard work, special skills, commitment and dedication. Chantel is registered at the Health Professionals Council of South Africa and the Board of Healthcare Funders.
Chantel’s experience and ability to relate to a wide range of people contributes to making a difference in the lives of people with special needs. She is open-minded and always strives to achieve the highest standards possible, at any given task.
Chantel successfully completed the Train the trainers Scheme in the management of Challenging behaviour in December 2010 in the United Kingdom. Chantel is recognised as a qualified Studio III trainer. Over the past 3 years Chantel has been involved in the development and delivery of the management of challenging behaviour courses in South Africa. With a positive vision, Chantel is looking forward to expanding her experience whilst continuing to introduce this new philosophy to various settings in South Africa.
Chantel stands for the principal that low arousal approaches can make a significant contribution in health care settings with regards to special needs and challenging behaviour.